Monday, September 26, 2005

The Broken Clock

I simply cannot believe that today is September 26th...guess I have been just too busy to notice the calender. As of today, I have been in my new place of residence for one month and 6 days! Amazing...given how I fretted over the move!

I truly love it here. Altho I must admit to struggling with loneliness from time to time.I am staying with my youngest sister and her family on a 30some acre farm, where 4 cows, approx 10 chickens, and a dog named Hunter live, out in the country. And to think of all the years I spent in hot and humid, flat and sandy, palmetto bug infested my my.... I certainly identify with Oliver on Green Acres...haha

I have truly been trying to focus on the present. Letting go of the past with all of its bitter-sweet memories is not an easy matter. Sometimes I feel so alone in this dawgone world...People come and people go. I would be in one of those transition periods now. O well, I have so much more than that to be grateful for, and grateful I am. God has been good to me.

I have missed blogging and am gonna make a concerted effort to return to it. Take good care, all, until next time...
A twisted Sister