Thursday, November 04, 2004

I'm a Tough Old Bird...and Still Kickin

Its true, I'm a tough old bird, and I don't give up easy...My beloved son pestered me into calling the doctor I have an appointment with on Nov 10, to try to get in to him early, given my symptoms. But, of course, they send me to the emergency room ASAP...

Dear God In Holy Heaven, I hate emergency rooms! Anyway, the long story short is, the ER doc, who was a very pleasant fellow, concluded that my chest x-ray looks a little cloudy imdicating a possible bronchitis...absent the cough or wheeze, and my bloodwork showed that my digoxan level was low...that is the cardiac med that regulates my heart rhythm...

So he sweetly tells me he's going to prescribe an antibiotic and a slight increase in my digoxan...forgets the antibiotic prescription, and sends me on my way with a script for digoxan and an order for blood work followup in 2 days.

Truly, I dont have much confidence in doctors... and I like them even less... too many of them have let the almighty dollar corrupt and distract them from the Hippocratic Oath that they take, give in to HMO and insurance companies" pressure and pharmacudical company coersion...and lose site of the human being they are supposed to be caring for.

I should have been a doctor...I would have been a good one, I think. Money is a necessary evil but not one to sacrivice ethics and morals for, and I am truly a nonconformist and a crusader for the strays and underdogs in life...

Anyway, I am feeling a little better, but still have the arrythmia and shortness of breath thing going on...of course, it would help if I got the digoxan prescription filled...

Have a dandy day all, and God bless!


Blogger Jennifer said...

I hope you're feeling much, much better. It must be such a scary feeling to have your heart beat whack out. And then the emergency room is a horror story in itself. I'll be thinking about you...

November 10, 2004 at 7:01 PM  

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