Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Day 29

Today is my 29th day cigarette free. I have been smoking since I was 15 years old, and I am 51 now. You do the math...thats 36 years! Even I am impressed, at this point! I have tried more times than I can tell you to Quit...with no success until now.

I started smoking young...and I have always loved to smoke...still do, actually. But the truth is, it is killing me, or was. For a long time, I didn't really want to live... I was just tired. I want to live today. But I have to tell you, my beloved son, Nick, actually strong-armed me into quitting...he refused to enable me to kill myself any longer by buying me cigarettes...hence, I had to quit. I have to admit, I do feel better and I smell better too...

Now thats not to say I don't crave a cigarette...because I do...but, someone told me the craving only lasts 10 seconds max, and I have found that to be true. As with most events that happen in my life, I wrote a piece about it...Which I will share, that may explain a little better...

Have a great day!

The Challenge

When I was but a young lass
My father said to me,
"Girl, I'll beat your sweet ass
If I catch you puffin these!"

Now, mind you, my sweet daddy
Had drunk his share of brew.
His and all his bandies'
He had sucked up their shares, too.

In my face he waved it...
His stinky smoking butt.
With drooling lips he gave it
A huge inhaling cut.

He, then, released a white cloud
That reeked with stench of beer,
Followed by a belch so loud
The mice trembled in fear.

Now the truth, I hate to tell you,
Is what the truth remains to be.
There is no excuse to sell you,
But the rebel thrives in me.

I waited till he passed out
Into his whiskey-induced sleep.
Stole a pack, then ran out,
Puffed in spite, instead of weep.

Now, I don't know for certain
But I surely do suspect
Today I'd not be hurtin'
But his challenge did infect.

Today, sweet daddy's dead and gone,
Rotting coldly in the grave.
But in my head he lives on
And the forbidden I still crave.

Yes, I can hear him saying
In his whiskey flavored tone
That what pain today I'm paying,
Is mine and mine alone.

I smoked in mere defiance.
And then I smoked some more.
Developed a reliance
That gripped me to the core.

And now I must relinquish
This nasty habit that I love,
Or else it will extinguish
The hand inside this glove!

Each day let me remember
The true reason I must quit.
The challenge lives no longer
And its purpose doesn't fit.

I'm tired of the odor,
And it would be nice to breathe,
It surely clogs my motor
So there's not a thing to grieve.

It makes no sense to fight it
Though like I'm losing my best friend.
The trick is just don't light it,
Then rebel money I won't spend!



Blogger Seeker said...

At this point in time, I am proud of me too, Nick. I must admit, though, that I was pretty resentful towards you for awhile...

Truth is, I don't think I would have quit on my own, even though I knew it was bad for me...had you not pressured me.

And I am sure it is God's Will that I quit...I pray every day and ask Him to remove the compulsion to smoke, and keep me from picking up a cigarette, and it has worked so far...one day at a time.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Nicky...

October 12, 2004 at 4:45 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I've been smoking since 15 and am 41. The math scares me. Trying to quit is the hardest thing I've ever done. Congratulations! 29 days ... wow ... what is it they say? "Do anything for 3 weeks and it becomes a habit." I assume that includes NOT smoking, too. :-)

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. It was very much appreciated.

October 12, 2004 at 7:17 PM  
Blogger Seeker said...

Dear Jennifer, Quitting IS the hardest thing I have ever done...I must admit, I had a little help, I went through a Smoking Cessation class on the base where my son is stationed, took Zybzn and used the patches, which i am off of, now. I'm not gonna kid ya, I still get urges to smoke...but somebody told me the craving only lasts 10 seconds, and I have found that to be true. I keep sugar-free Werthers candies, frozen Koolaid pops. etc handy, and pray pray pray. If, by some terrible event, I should slip, my next step will be hypnosis...But for today, just today, no cigarettes for me! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers,Jennifer, that you may be successful at kicking the habit too!

October 13, 2004 at 7:20 AM  

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