Monday, October 11, 2004


Greetings and welcome to the world of Me... Enter at your own risk! The purpose of this blog is to throw open the shutters of my heart and let the light of the sunshine sharing who I am and how I got here, who I hope to be, I hope to heal, to find the Truth, and in the process, become whole. And maybe, by doing so, reach out and touch someone else who has been there or who is there and give them hope (the same Hope that I seek).

I am not traditional in any sense, never have been, never will be.

I am very spiritual, love God with all my heart and soul, but reject organized religion for the most part except the church that I am currently attending, and it is not very organized...

I am the mother of three grown sons, have been married twice (both disasterous affairs)

For the past 18 years have been in same sex relationships...yes I am a lesbian.

I am currently single, recovering from a relationship that I had to walk away from because it was killing us both... and at a crossroad in my life. I have no idea where I am headed, no idea what God wants... not even sure how I got here.

Welcome to the world of me!


Blogger Seeker said...

Hello, Son,

Oh Fruit of my womb...

True to form, you have always been so willing to put me on the really should not come as a surprise...

Vintage Nick...

To answer your questions...It is my sound belief that God can do anything He so chooses. He hardened Pharoh's heart so that he refused to let the Isrealites go. He spoke through a jackass, a burning bush, from a cloud. He sent manna from the sky, water from a rock...O yeah, God can do whatever He will. And yes, I believe He can communicate with me...

I admit to being skeptical about folks that claim to hear directly from God. There have been times that I truly thought I heard from God, to discover that I was self-will run riot...Hearing what I wanted to hear...thats how I ended up in both of the marriages I was in.

Now don't get me wrong, I would not trade my sons for anything in this world... but I did not choose a good mate or father for my sons...

As for do I think God wants me to be with a woman, I really can't say. This is what i do know. I know God knows my heart. He knows my hurts, my hopes, my needs, my desires. He knows my motives. This is what He judges me on. The stark truth is, I have not been in a healthy successful relationship...of any kind, with men or women.

Right now, I am working on my relationship with God...and bringing my lonliness and needs to Him. I pray that He will be my day at a time, and I am trying to trust Him in every area of my life. Time will tell.

My biggest fear is that He will make me spend the rest of my life alone...and would that really be so bad? For me it would, unless God changed my heart...which He, indeed, can do.

And I love you too, My Son, more that all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world...more than mere words can say!

October 11, 2004 at 6:23 PM  

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