Saturday, January 08, 2005

Keep My Head where my Feet are...or trying

I have come to believe that this journey of Life is about learning spiritual lessons and living out those lessons...At least that is how I see it for me. And that learning process does not stop until the grave. For me, and that is the only one I can speak for, the most valuable lessons have been the most painful ones. How I wish that werent true, but it is. Must be because I am such a hard-head...

So, Here it is, Saturday, January 8, 2005. My son asked me last night where I see myself going, and what do I see in the future for my life...and damn if he didn't stump me...I really dont have much of a clue.

My crystal ball is busted! My life has so radically changed in the past year that I really dont have any idea whats ahead. I am taking it "One day at a time".

I dont see myself in any relationships ( of the romantic variety), I dont see myself working a normal job due to health issues...I don't see myself getting rich any time soon....when my ship comes in, im usually at the airport...and that is ok with me...

The son, with whom I live, is expecting to deploy to Iraq somewhere between June and September...and at this point it is unclear where I will end up...I am sure that "more will be revealed"

I do see myself helping to take care of m sick friend who is currently taking radiation treatments 5 days a week and chemo 5 days every 3 weeks...

I do see myself writing, and creating.

Other than that I am at a loss. "When the pupil is ready, the Master appears" or so I have been I will just hang loose and see what is in store.

My son is so very different from me...he has his future all mapped out, has lots of big goals and is moving full speed ahead...He's young, and knows what he wants and how to get there.. I almost envy him...almost! lol

The only thing i can do is make today the best today I can, try to help someone else, and stay out of my head.. If I can keep my head where my feet are, it will be a pretty good day!

Lots of Love
a truly twisted sister

I don't know what the future holds
Tomorrow is a mystery...
The past eludes my chasing grasp
It is but history.
Today is all I'm given
Each moment preciously divine.
Lord, let me cherish this one time gift
Through it may Your love shine.


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